
How millennials engage art online (specifically in Tate Gallery).

13 June 2018

The research is about study how millennials engage art online via museum and gallery website and their social media platforms. And Tate Galley will be the research object in the case. Finally, the data will be collected and analyzed via online survey. The research does not need any previous knowledge for survey participants since this research aims to collect millennials actual online visits experiences toward Tate website and use of art museums’ social networking services (Social Media).


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the Loughborough University- Psychology department ethics committee on May 2018. And the results would be only received by the university and kept for MA dissertation.

About the researcher

Hi. I am a Postgraduate student study in the Loughborough Universty. This study is for my MA Dissertation. If you are interested in art and millennilas research, just join the study with me!

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